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Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractor in MD-DC-VA
Let's start talking about your project

Looking for a Roofing and Sheet metal Contractor?
Experience at Work
To complete a project on time and within budget, a contractor must have years of experience with the specific system being installed.
Our principals and project managers have over 100 years of combined experience in the commercial construction industry.
All manufacturers provide contractors with installation specifications but Escobar Construction is one contractor that goes far beyond these specs to ensure trouble-free installation. Utilizing the Computerized Architectural Design (CAD) system, our engineers apply manufacturer’s guidelines to the plans, and generate far more precise and illuminating details. The bottom line: fewer errors and less down time because details of installation are worked out in advance. This process minimizes on-site decisions regarding installation details. Field crews, from superintendents and foremen through laborers, know exactly what needs to be done.
Sheet Metal Roofing
Cupolas, Domes, Gutters, Copings, Copper hoods, Flashings, Decorative castings – Roofing and Sheet metal go hand in hand. Escobar Construction has a fully equipped and staffed sheet metal shop in house to meet your individual needs. Using our own trained personnel we can ensure the highest quality of work each step of the way and without costly delays associated with using sub contractors. We can duplicate existing pieces or fabricate original metal work so that out of manufactured moldings and custom metal work can be matched. We even carry 13-foot shears and breaks where most shops only carry ten foot.
Because we use our own in-house staff any type of metal roof big or small is taken care of by an expert who understands metal. These experts have been called on to do museum quality work at such places as the Smithsonian Institute and the District of Columbia Convention Center. Having a single point of responsibility ensures the Escobar Construction name stands behind every part of your roofing project.
Roof Repair and Preventative Roof Maintenance
If you want the best job from a company of professionals, call us today. (240) 482-9495




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